Sunday, November 16, 2008

Magic Wanda

Psyched for Ms. WANDA SYKES, a par excellence character actress/comedienne in the hallowed tradition of MARY WICKES and EVE ARDEN. Omnipresent, acerbic, with tick-tock timing, Wanda's now out and proud! And LOUD (as we all should be) against Californication's Proposition 8 ban on gay marriage initiative that was just passed. I forget about the red-state-necks that fill the cultural voids between San Diego, LA and San Francisco.

Don't ever miss a performance with Wanda's name attached to it. Rent her star turns in LARRY DAVID's HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm and Monster-In-Law, shoulder-to-shoulder with LOPEZ and FONDA.


1 comment:

  1. She is one of my favorite comics. I watch the show New Adventures of Old Christine mostly for her!
